Thursday 5 June 2014

"The Snow Maiden"

Here is my January project! Gosh, I love holiday blog catch up time.  My sister's sister-in-law (my sister-sister-in-law) was due in January and I was determined to make her a little bundle after she so kindly made me gorgeous bibs for my first.  As she is not your average lady, I thought that she would love a non-pink gift for her little girl.  I adapted a simple cardi from Nikki Trench's book "Cute and Easy Crocheted Baby Clothes" to match this fabulous  free bonnet I found  online (I just can't remember where from...).  The Nordic themed colours were because I had just finished a book called "The Snow Maiden" which describes the old lady's winter efforts to make a coat for the snow maiden child who lives in the woods.  The handmade coat is described as being trimmed with white fur and embroidered  with snow flakes and that just sounded gorgeous.  I did have fun finding and buying tiny star buttons and playing with the borders to balance both items.  Looking at them now, they are so very "Frozen"!

The crochet bibs and balls were from the same book using my beloved dk cotton.  The bibs were part joke as the bibs she made for me were used until faded and worn and then folded away in my memory box.  The bibs made for my sister's first born were always laughed about as my sister couldn't bear to use the lovely things.  I therefore couldn't resist making impractical crochet bibs (they are washable...honest).  Do you think she will use them? I just don't know!  The balls  are so squishy and perfect for gummy chews and squeezy fingers.  I popped a few bells inside the yellow ball using a clean kinder egg case firmly glued shut which I then crocheted inside the stuffed ball.  One shakey, squishy, squeezy bit of fun!  I must say that I'm so relieved to find these lost pictures.  My husband thinks I am mad-naturally- but when you give away most of your crafts, having a picture keeps the memories, the textures and the ideas ready for another day.
Congratulations Cara and Nick and I hope your baby managed to wear these at least once before growing out of them!

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